The story of the Holy Mother’s. 

Soon after my small family moved from Stoney Creek to Beamsville, a Tea House held a quaint gathering for me in which I offered my knowledge of how to avoid table top poisons to a group of information seeking women and mothers. A local journalist who wrote for the town papers had done an article based on my moving into town and bringing my experience of Holistic Healing Arts with me, thus advertising my complimentary lecture. 

Afterwards, the journalist mentioned that a close, lifelong neighbour of hers in Beamsville had been recently moved into a local nursing home and her old house was soon to be leveled. She recalled fondly in her youth that the kind woman of the property grew extraordinary roses, and that she must be sad to know that they would be lost in the demolition. She informed me of the woman's whereabouts and suggested that I visit her in hopes of restoring or propagating what she grew up knowing as precious herbs.

I quickly located the woman, who was pleased to meet me, and immediately overjoyed that someone would take at least some of her roses and continue their growth. “Ilsa’s” (out of respect for her as she can not give permission for use of name) story may be brief, but it is an incredible one, and it changed my life.

“Ilsa’s” Story of Heirloom Centifolia Rose

Ilsa was a young girl living with her family in communist Poland. There was an area of wilderness she frequented that was home to the most enchanting natural roses. She was so drawn to them and their healing properties that she had become accustomed to plucking the blossoms off the stem and rubbing them directly onto her skin. She could feel the oils softening her skin, and the scent was incredibly soothing to her mind and wellbeing. When she defected, she dug a small bit of root up and traveled with the prickly stem held close to her person. Once Ilsa became settled in her home in the Niagara region, Ilsa planted the root and lo, it spread over the following decades into a dense, wild briar wall. 

In the decades that followed, Ilsa collected the rose heads during their two week blossoming period every June. She gently removed the bitter part of the petal and used the sweet, aromatic leftovers to be infused with sugar and turned into jam which she donated to her church’s mission for hungry children.

The blessing and honour I feel has been granted to me is remarkable, regarding these roses. I have since propagated them to four different locations to ensure their growth protection. The Holy Mothers are how I refer to them, as they are precious and produce medicinal abundance whilst continuing to spread their glory. Their scent and visual effect is tremendous, and harvesting them for infusions of tea, honey and oil for the most luxurious facial moisturizer, continues to bring great joy, and will do so for many generations to come. 

Skincare Products

If you would like more information about our skincare products, or would like to place an order. Please click on the button below to send an email.

  • A therapeutic blend of intense clinical grade essential oils, in a base of black cumin seed and mustard oil. The base (carrier) oils, therapeutic in their own right, help ignite the circulatory system and allow the essential oils to travel deep within the muscle. This balm is beneficial for headaches, arthritic complaints, menstrual cramps, colds and flus and more.

    *not recommended for pregnant women.


    Black Cumin seed oil, Mustard oil, Castor oil, Chili seed oil, essential oils of camphor, menthol, cassia, wintergreen, eucalyptus, citronella, clove, ginger, nutmeg, beeswax.

  • Ingredients;

    Black cumin seed oil, mustard oil, chili seed oil, essential oils of camphor, menthol, cassia, wintergreen, eucalyptus, citronella, clove, ginger, nutmeg, beeswax.

    *not recommended for pregnant women.

  • This product consists of oils that are high in natural silica and have been used as a beauty secret and nail strengthener for generations. Massage into nails and cuticles, scalp, eyebrows and thinly apply to eyelashes for help with growth improvement.


    Castor oil, horsetail oil, coconut oil, black cumin seed oil, essential oils of rosemary, rose, ylang ylang

  • The most effective herb for healing skin topically, is the humble Plantain. While most recognise it as a weed around their walk or driveways, we at Borsellino Holistic Healthcare honour it for its profound healing abilities. We harvest it biodynamically ensuring its most potent medicinal constituents are within the leaves we hand pick, for maximum healing benefits for the youngest of babies to the most elderly and delicate skin. If this product accidentally gets into the mouth or eyes of babies, it is safe.


    Plantain oil, St. John’s wort oil, beeswax, essential oil blend changes seasonally and is customized upon request.

  • Crafted with the same ingredients as CURA BALM with the addition of cocoa butter. Packaged in a stick for convenience to carry and use for quick healing of lips, noses, finger tips etc while traveling, particularly during the cold months.

  • This scrub is excellent for sloughing off all dead surface cells from the face and body without leaving the skin feeling stripped of moisture. Its natural base contains Plantain oil which deeply softens and heals any effects of microdermabrasion. This product can be customized for its intensity to the individual's needs.


    Plantain oil, Mustard oil, beeswax, sodium bicarbonate, silica, sea salt, cane sugar and a blend of citrus and floral essential oils.

  • These unique patches are a full body approach to healing.

    The technology inside the Super Patch has uniquely arranged ridges that look like a QR code, when these ridges touch our skin, our cells transmit unique signals that interact with our body's nervous system.

    To learn more and order these patches please visit:

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